A few weeks ago, I realized that LC Development needed a new portfolio website, so we decided to build it ourselves. With Hack Club Arcade running smoothly and no other projects to participate with, creating a fresh portfolio seemed like the right move. We wanted to showcase our work and skills in a more professional and personal manner, so building a new website seemed like the perfect solution.

Initially, I thought about using Vue.js with Nuxt.js since I'm quite familiar with them. However, I wanted to try something new and exciting – something I've never used before, which would also be great for learning. I thought adding this new element would make the project more enjoyable and allow me to expand my skills.

That's when Sanity CMS comes in. I learned about Sanity, a user-friendly content management system, a few months ago, and found out that it was compatible with NuxtJS. Recalling the hassle of having to edit code every time we wanted to add a new project to our previous portfolio, I knew we needed a better solution, especially since the project was going to be completely open-source.

Thanks to the Sanity NuxtJS template by Knut Melvær & Benjamin Akar, getting started was a breeze, and progress became evident quickly. Before I knew it, the arcade was ending and the website was ready for its first release.